A Scene #23: Acceleration

Acceleration is the rate of change of the velocity of an object with respect to time.

Saturday June 27.
I was standing at Hofplein, Rotterdam (5155.4866 N, 00428.6858 E), facing Coolsingel.
At 2:00 (CEST) I walked in the direction of Beurs metro station, where I earlier parked my bicycle. I took my bike and cycled on in the same direction, Schiedamse Dijk. I passed Erasmus bridge, Wilhelmina square and stopped at Kop van Zuid, where I earlier parked my car. I put my bicycle in the boot, got in the car and continued my way in the same direction.
About  A Scene #23: Acceleration

About Scenes:
On this website and on Facebook I announce small events that will take place at a certain location and at a certain moment in the near future.
Everybody is invited to be at the exact spot at the exact time to contribute to the scene with his/her own simultaneous activity (or inactivity).